Is it really necessary to have an RSS feed for website promotion? Yeah, it is, as it turns out! It is likely that you have heard of using RSS for website advertising purposes, but it is quite possible that you do not know what RSS is. Well, RSS really is just a way to deliver content. People use RSS for website news syndication. The feed part of the term RSS feed is just the action of distributing content. RSS for website updating allows the writer to let users know about news headlines, recntly published blog entries, or audio and video clips that have just been uploaded. RSS for website promotion usually includes either a summary of information or encompasses the full text on the site, and typically a website RSS feed will include metadata like author names and publishing dates.

An RSS feed for website promo is either a partial feed including a headline and a brief summary of content linking back to the area of your website where the content actually appears, or it is a full feed which entails that the whole article appears on the news reader. Which one you decide to use is a matter of preference. Some people like partial feeds because they think it will encourage the reader to click on the web link. Some people prefer full feeds because they think it will enhance the chances of the person continuing to read the article. Neither type of feed is better or worse than the other.

Whether you like using full feeds or partial feeds, using RSS for websites allows writers to keep readers informed about their latest content. RSS feeds for website readers are like town criers standing in the middle of the virtual square and announcing that something new and exciting is happening so you better come take a look. After all, RSS enabled browsers let your readers subscribe automatically to your updates so that they can keep abreast of what you are doing.

When creating RSS for website promo, some people prefer to use a specific RSS editor. Personally, I see that as being a waste of money. The only program you need to get your RSS for website up and running is a regular old text editor. Notepad works just fine.

When developing RSS for website promotion, You definitely want to link to the feed so that your readers will not have any trouble finding it. I would recommend linking to your RSS file using a normal HTML link that takes readers to the full web address of your feed. You can make this a text link or do something a little more exciting like using a feed icon. There are tons of free ones available online.

Using RSS feed for website updating purposes is a great way to keep in touch with your readers and promote your work. Creating the feed is easy as pie, and it takes seconds to update. I cannot recommend RSS for website enough.