For anyone who has used the internet to any significant extent, whether it is to access social media or for work, he or she has seen that little or orange square with the two arc that appear to be emanating from an eye, or maybe an antenna. Whatever the symbol represents, this is of course an RSS feed. For those who do not know, RSS stands for Rich Site Summary. Although the RSS for website symbol is common, many people have no clue what it is or how to use it. Basically, a website RSS feed allows web users to keep tabs, if you will, on their favorite websites, without having to actually access the webpage. When you think about it, the idea does not seem too complicated, yet it is ingenious. If one wants to, say, check out the latest happenings in business news, on Wallstreet, or even the weather, a web user can monitor those goings on all at once. Of course, for employees, this can all be done while continuing to work; and, of course, employers will surely appreciate this, as well.

The advantages of an RSS for website is clear for private, casual web users, but it can be valuable for businesses, as well. The internet is such an integral part of the lives of anyone who prefers not to live under a rock, that it has blown the marketing world wide open. Of course, being quite a dynamic and democratic tool, the internet is also place of considerable competition for businesses. And, thus, the online presence and visibility of a company must be addressed. That being said, RSS for websites can be used for purposes like SEO.

By providing a RSS for website, clients or potential clients who are interested in, and choose to follow, your company web page will be kept abreast of the latest news or happenings on your webpage. Furthermore, the very nature of a RSS for website feed will keep your company by keeping its name up front. Because web users do not need to link directly to your company website, they will still receive updates from your page without having to stop what they are doing and link directly with your company webpage. Therefore, they will remain aware of your company, its name, and its product or service, at times when they would otherwise not be.

In order to grab or read RSS feeds, however, a web user will need to download special software, which will allowsthem to engage with the RSS for website. Luckily, there are several free RSS for website feed aggregators that are widely available on line. Better yet, many of them are free.