As website RSS feeds begin to enter mainstream internet culture, many are faced with the problem of tracking RSS subscribers, identifying which items are attracting the most interest, and how many click throughs result from RSS feeds. Though some third party providers will track the statistics related to RSS for websites, there are other ways to gain data about user interaction with RSS feeds.

Web logs can provide information about how many times an RSS feed is requested. Though the information is essentially limited only to the number of requests made, the data can give small businesses a general idea of how their feeds are faring with the public. Still, many website RSS feeds are tracked by third party organizations. These companies track feeds based on accesses, but come with the downside of not distinguishing between unique views and syndicate feeds. Another drawback is that the url is usually associated with the provider rather than the website. As a result, any PageRank associated with the url will benefit the feed host instead of the feed creator.

Other third party trackers generate unique urls for each subscriber, providing enormous benefits because of the high level of customization. The usage habits of individual users can be monitored, allowing creators to turn off the feeds of any users using the feed to behave inappropriately. Though RSS creators like this feature, users are generally not enthusiastic about companies that track their personal habits. Still, some users are not troubled, as long as the data being collected is being measured within reason. Publishers using such a service would be wise to thoroughly read and understood the provider’s privacy policy, making sure to fully understand who owns the collected information and how it can legally be used.

Though no tracking system is perfect, most companies looking to track website RSS statistics can find one that suits their needs. For many, data about the numbers of subscribers will be sufficient, while others may want to access and control more specific data. As website RSS continues to grow in popularity, many expect that more accurate tracking programs will be developed.